forpy  2
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CClassificationErrorComputes the classification error as \(1-\max(p_i)\)
 CClassificationLeafStores the probability distributions for n_classes at a leaf
 CClassificationOptOptimize split thresholds to optimize classification results
 CDeciderDeskDesk for decider training
 CDeskMain thread desk object
 CEmptyA struct to represent an empty variant
 CEntropyGainCalculates the gain as difference of current entropy and the weighted sum of subgroup entropies
 CFastClassOptOptimize split thresholds to optimize classification results
 CFastDeciderA classifier manager for weak classifiers with a filter function, a feature calculation function and a thresholding
 CFastDProvUse the provided data plain throughout the training
 Cget_coreGet the core datatype with removed pointer, reference and const modifiers
 CIDataProviderA data provider for the training of one tree
 CIDeciderInterface for the decider. It does the optimization of the deciding classifier for each node and stores the parameters
 CIEntropyFunctionInterface for an entropy calculation functor
 CIGainCalculatorInterface for a gain calculator class
 CILeafStores and returns leaf values, and combines them to forest results
 CInducedEntropyComputes the induced p entropy
 CIThreshOptFind an optimal threshold
 CLeafDeskDesk for leaf manager training
 CMatEqVisComparison visitor
 CNameStruct for translating primitive types to a short name
 CName< double >
 CName< float >
 CName< int >
 CName< int16_t >
 CName< uint >
 CName< uint8_t >
 CRandomDeskDesk for coordinating the random engines
 CRegressionLeafManages the leaf nodes of regression trees
 CRegressionOptOptimize split thresholds to optimize regression results (MSE)
 CRenyiEntropyComputes the Renyi entropy
 CSamplingWithoutReplacementA lazy evaluation sampling without replacement
 CShannonEntropyComputes the classical Shannon-Entropy
 CTodoMarkStores the parameters for one marked tree node
 CTreeThe main tree class for the forpy framework
 CTreeDeskDesk for tree training
 CTsallisEntropyComputes the Tsallis entropy
 Cvector_hasherA simple vector<size_t> hasher
 CVResetCall the reset operation on a pointer variant